7 Aug 2007

نقابة النفط تستغرب رفض وزير النفط مقابلة ممثليها

الهيئة نت
07 /08 /2007 م 12:41 مساء

استغربت النقابة العامة لعمال وفنيي النفط موقف وزير النفط بشان رفضه مقابلة وفد منها.
وقال بيان للنقابة اليوم:"ان وفدا من نقابتنا قام يوم امس بزيارة مكتب وزير النفط لمقابلتة وتوضيح موقفنا من توجه الوزارة حول تنظيم النقابات وتمت مقابلة الوفد من قبل مدير عام المكتب الإعلامي في الوزارة حسيب الصدر الذي أكد ان الوزير لا يلتقي بأي وفد يمثل التنظيم النقابي في القطاع النفطي او غيره وانه ليس من حق العمال تشكيل نقابة لهم لانه ليس هناك قانون يجيز بذلك". واضاف:" ان نقابتنا العامة أصدرت مطلع هذا الشهر بياناً أوضحت موقفها من توجيهات وزير النفط الأخيرة حول التنظيم النقابي في القطاع النفطي وحددنا موقفنا من الاجراءات التعسفية المزمع تنفيذها من قبل مؤسسات وشركات الوزارة". وذكر:"أننا في النقابة العامة لعمال وفنيي النفط نؤكد مجدداً بأننا ندافع عن مصالحنا المهنية والطبقية بأسلوب وطني ديمقراطي ووفق الصيغ القانونية التي رسمتها الطبقة العاملة العراقية عبر تأريخها في القطاع النفطي منذ أكتشافه وأنتاجه وتصديره وأستثماره والمعارك التي خاضها شعبنا وعمالنا من اجل الحفاظ على هذه الثروة الوطنية". وتابع:"أننا غير مستعدين للرضوخ لما يدور في أذهان المسؤولين في الوزارة وأننا ماضون في نضالنا للدفاع عن حقوقنا ومكتسباتنا ومصالحنا وتنظيمنا النقابي الذي نعمل بكل امكانياتنا للحفاظ عليه وأعلاء شأنه". وذكر:" أن لنا حقاً مشروعاً في أقامة تنظيمنا النقابي الذي يختاره عمالنا البواسل بأنفسهم ، ونرفض أية آملاءات يحاول البعض فرضها علينا بنفس الوقت الذي نحمي ثروتنا النفطية الوطنية من
أعمال التخريب والنهب والسلب والتهريب"./الهيئة نت نينا
Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU) questions the oil minister's refusal to meet with their delegation after it arrived at his office in the ministry. The oil minister considers the union illegal.
Naftana Press releaseThursday 2nd August 2007Iraqi Oil Minister Enforces Saddam law on Trades Unions In a disturbing development, the Iraqi Oil Minister, Mr. Hussein Shahrastani, has effectively ordered his ministry to apply a 1987 law issued under Saddam to ban the 26,000 member Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU). This is the clear meaning of the Ministry directive couched in terms of merely applying an earlier instruction not to recognize unregistered NGOS. A copy of the ministry’s directive was obtained by the union and sent to Naftana*. The directive, dated 18 July 2007, states: ‘The minister has directed that all members of all unions be banned from participating in any committee if they use their union identification, since these unions have no legal status to work within the state sector. They should not be permitted to use the offices and equipment of the [ministry’s] companies, because they do not have legal status within the state sectors.’ All necessary measures should be taken to implement the minister’s directive within a maximum of two weeks, it concluded.In a message to Naftana, the union’s president, Hassan Juma`a, affirmed that the union would not recognize the minister’s decision, stressing that the oil minister has been fighting against trade union work because of the patriotic stands of the IFOU. “We are working for Iraq," he declared.In flagrant violation of the principle of free association, the governments since occupation have continued to treat all trade unions as illegal, until such time as a ‘legal framework is enacted’. Thus the Oil Minister’s directive follows US Administrator L Paul Bremer’s Public Notice Regarding Organization in the Workplace, issued on June 6 2003, which upheld Saddam’s infamous decree 150 of 1987 that banned all trade union activity by deeming workers in the state sectors to be ‘civil servants’ without the right to organize. It should be remembered that, in spite of strenuous efforts by the occupying powers to privatize the Iraqi economy, the overwhelming majority of Iraq's industrial workers belong to the state sector.Last year the government froze the assets and bank accounts of the oil workers’ union along with that of all other unions. The minister’s new directive is seen by the union as a preemptive measure to weaken the union’s highly successful campaign against the proposed oil law, which was instigated and is being imposed on Iraq by the occupation governments. The proposed law, popularly known in Iraq as the ‘thieves’ law’, has attracted the hostility of Iraqi workers and technical oil experts alike. Popular opposition is such that the government has failed to meet several deadlines laid down for it by the Bush administration and US Congress to enact the law.We call on all trade unions and supporters of democratic rights to protest the Iraqi government’s dictatorial measures and to support the IFOU and Iraq’s workers in their struggle for freedom and democracy.NaftanaFor further information contact:
Sami Ramadani – 07863 138748 Mahdi – Jawad – 07985 336886
Notes for editors:Naftana (‘Our Oil’ in Arabic) is an independent UK-based committee supporting democratic trade unionism in Iraq. It works in solidarity with the IFOU. It strives to publicise the union’s struggle for Iraqi social and economic rights and its stand against the privatisation of Iraqi oil demanded by the occupying powers.For more information see the IFOU’s website "HYPERLINK" HYPERLINK
البرلمان الكردستاني يصادق على قانون النفط والغاز- الرأي الأردنية