من سيقوم بإخلاء الخسائر وتضميد وانقاذ الجرحى؟ انا حقيقة لاأستطيع السكوت عندما يصف الزميل الصحفي ياسرالشمري هذا اليوم مستشفيات مدينة الصدر النسائية والقادسية بمستشفيات الأموات التي تستغل فقط لإلقاء الجثث فيها علما بأن نسبة 60% من القتلى هم من النساء والأطفال . ألا تحرك هذه الكوارث الضمائر؟ أية حرية و ديمقراطية وأية حكومة إصلاح وإعمار ووحدة وطنية هذه ؟ هل تحرك هذه الاحداث الكتل السياسية التهالكية للإنظمام الى مائدة الوزاره المالكية ؟ اي دستور يسمح للجيش ان يستخدم لقتل الشعب واهانة الاطباء وتهديدهم ؟ أليس فيكم من رجل رشيد ايها النواب والوزراء ؟ أين اسلام الاحزاب الاسلاميه واين ديمقراطية الاحزاب اللبراليه والوطنيه ؟ . ا
Today, Monday, May 5th, the Shu'la hospital in Karkh district was attacked. This hospital has been supporting a large popualtion in Shu'la city. There, the military operations and confrontations errupted between civilians in this neighborhood and the U.S. occupation and Iraqi forces under the banner of "eliminating the gangs of death and murder." Why is it necessary to launch military operations targeting civilian hospitals!! This is a blatant violation of the International Humanitrian Law! The doctors as well as the director were assaulted and beaten by, what unjustly called, the 'new Iraqi army'. In fact, the director of the hospital, my colleague Yassin al-Rikabi, is essentially a doctor, like many doctors has served as a reseve officer in the marginalized (and now 'dissolved') Iraqi army.
Who will evacuate the dead bodies and heal the wounded? I really can not keep silent when today my colleague, the journalist Yasir Shammri, described Sadr City hospitals as the hospitals of death whose function is just to keep corpses. According to UNICEF, 60% of those killed are women and children. Aren't these disasters sufficient to move the world's conscience? What freedom and democracy and what government reform, reconstruction and national unity are those? Will these events move the corrupt political parties to PM Maliki's table? What constitution allows the army to kill people and insults and threatens doctors? Is there any wise man amongst you, deputies and ministers? Where is the Islam of the Islamic parties and where is the democracy of the liberal and patriotic parties?
Dr Omar Al Kubaisy (Iraqi) - Amman, Jordan
dromarkubaisy@yahoo.com Translated to English by Wafaa' Al-Natheema
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غلق مستشفى النور في حي الشعله والاعتداء على منتسبيه "بالضرب والاهانه" للاشتباه بأنه يعالج جرحى "جيش المهدي"
Arabic article: Nour hospital in Shu'la district is closed by the Iraqi army and its staff assaulted, because of suspicions that they are treating the injured from al Sadr supporters.