27 Jan 2010

الراسمال الارهابي اخطر مراحل الراسمالية وعشية تحرر البشرية او فنائها

سعاد خيري

Terrorist International Capitalism: the most dangerous stage it heralds the eve of humanity's liberation or annihilation An important article by Suad Khairy one of the few true Iraqi communists and a founder member of the Iraqi Women League. Souad is now estranged from the party that has thrown her out after 60 years of activism and struggle in its midst.

توصل ماركس على ضوء المادية الديالكتيكية واخر منجزات البشرية في عصره الى حتمية زوال علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية، القائمة على

الملكية الخاصة لوسائل الانتاج، تحت ثقل تناقضاتها الكامنة في قوانينها الاساسية وهي استغلال الانسان لاخيه الانسان والركض وراء الارباح . وكشف ماركس عن مراحل تطور علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية بناء على تطور وسائل الانتاج وسجل المرحلتين الاولى والثانية منها. وهي المنافسة الحرةأي مرحلة الراسمال الصناعي وما رافقه من منافسة على الاسواق والمستعمرات والمرحلة الثانية، الاحتكارية، أي تكوين الشركات الاحتكارية الكبرى واقتسام اسوق العالم. وعلى اساسه صاغ شعار يا عمال العالم اتحدوا. وصاغ شعارات الاممية والثورة الاشتراكية وقوانينها الاساسية القائمة على الملكية العامة لوسائل الانتاج وتحرير البشرية من جميع اشكال الاستغلال. وشخص قواها الاساسية الطبقة العاملة بقيادة طليعتها الثورية الاحزاب الشيوعية ، ومنظمتها العالمية الاممية البروليتارية التي جسدها بتاسيس الاممية البروليتاريا الاولى . وعلى الرغم من تطور وعي البشريةواندلاع العديد من الثورات وتحقيق بعض التجارب ومن ابرزها كومونة باريس، فقد استمر تطور علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية بفضل ما قدمته للبشرية من انجازات علمية في جميع المجالات . فسجل لنين المرحلة الثالثة في تطور الراسمالية المرحلة الامبريالية واعتبرها اعلا مراحل الراسمالية وعشية الثورة الاشتراكية . وكشف عن سمات مرحلة الاحتكار من الراسمالية ولاسيما تطور المنافسة الحرة على المستعمرات الى حروب امبريالية من اجل اقتسام العالم واعادة اقتسامه، كان اخطرها الحرب العالمية الاولى التي كلفت البشرية ملايين الضحايا ودمرت منجزات اجيال . وطور لينين الماركسية في مجالها العملي الجماهيري والدور الطليعي للطبقة العاملة وتنظيمها السياسي الوطني الحزب الشيوعي والعالمي الاممية البروليتارية الثالثة بعد انحراف الاممية الثانية عن النهج الماركسي للحركة الشيوعية العالمية . ونجح لينين في قيادة اول ثورة اشتراكية في تاريخ البشرية، وخاض اول تجربة لبناء الاشتراكية على سدس الكرة الارضية بامكانات مادية غير متكافئة على الصعيد العالمي، تحت شعار من كل حسب طاقته ولكل حسب عمله. فما زالت علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية من خلال قوانينها الاساسية الركض وراء الارباح تخدم البشرية عن طريق تطوير وسائل الانتاج. وعلى الرغم من فشل تجربة بناء الاشتراكية الا ان مسيرتها التي طالت سبعة عقود بانجازاتها الجبارة العملية والقانونية على الصعيد الوطني والعالمي اثبتت للبشرية امكانية التحرر من علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية وتحرير البشرية من جميع اشكال الاستغلال بالقضاء على الملكية الخاصة لوسائل الانتاج.
وشخص الكثير من العلماء والمفكرين سمات المرحلة الثالثة من تطور الراسمالية او بالحقيقة المرحلة الاولى من نهاية علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية وهي مرحلة هيمنة الراسمال المالي والركض وراء الارباح ليس من خلال تطوير وسائل الانتاج وانما عن طريق اسواق البورصة ، أي انتقال الاموال من جيب راسمالي الى اخر . وما انتجه من تخلف في تطوير قوى الانتاج سواء في مجال وسائل الانتاج ام في مجال الطبقة العاملة، برمي الملايين من العمال في احضان البطالة . وادى لجوء اقطاب راس المال المالي مناصحاب البنوك الكبرى في ركضهم وراء الارباح الى تضخيم رؤوس اموالهم التي لا يقابلها انتاج الى اخطر ازمة عامة شاملة للنظام الراسمالي العالمي وافلس الالاف من البنوك والراسماليين . فلجأ الراسمال في ركضه وراء الارباح الى الاستثمار في شركات الارهاب العالمية ، كاخر وسيلة لجني الارباح بقوة السلاح وفرض الهيمنة على العالم . وبذلك قطع الراسمال الكبير كل صلة له بالانتاج .
وهكذا بدأت المرحلة الرابعة من تطور علاقات الانتاج الراسمالية الفانية، الراسمال الارهابي ، بعد ان عجزت دولة القطب الاكبر للراسمالية عن احكام هيمنتها على العالم ولجأت الى خصخصة الحرب والاحتلال عن طريق الشركات الامنية، من ناحية، والى تركيع الشعوب وارعابها ونهب ثرواتهاعن طريق تسخير الشركات الارهابية. فوجد الراسمال الموظف في الشركات الارهابية وشركات الامن الكبرى انه الاجدر بالتمتع بالهيمنة على العالم وارباحها دون الحاجة الى مظلة دولة القطب الاكبر الفاقدة لكل مقومات الهيمنة او أي شكل من اشكال الدولة . لاسيما وقد اصبحت هذه الشركات الامنية والارهابية تملك العديد من معامل السلاح والمعاهد والمختبرات العلمية والتكنولوجية ومقرات وقواعد في جميع انحاء العالم . وباتت خطرا يهدد البشرية دون أي تحكم او ردع. فهي لاتخضع للقوانين والمواثيق الدولية بعد ان عملت الاقطاب الراسمالية على حمايتها وفرض حصانتها العالمية والمحلية عندما كانت سلاحها الرئيس للهيمنة واستعباد العالم. ويشكل العراق الميدان الابرز لنفوذ وهيمنة الراسمال الارهابي المنفلت.
والبشرية اليوم تمر باخطر مراحل تطور الراسمالية على الرغم من امتلاكها سلاح العلم والمعلوماتية الذي يمكنها من التحرر من الاساس المادي لعلاقات الانتاج الراسمالية، الملكية الخاصة لوسائل الانتاج ، أي الاساس المادي لاستغلال الانسان لاخيه الانسان وبناء المجتمع الانساني الحقيقي

سعاد خيري

في 16/1/2010

UK troops 'executed Iraqi grandmother'

UK troops 'executed Iraqi grandmother'

The Independent
reports (January 11th): Allegations that a 62-year-old Iraqi grandmother was tortured and executed by British soldiers after her family home was raided three years ago are being investigated by the Royal Military Police.
The Army's involvement in the death and abuse of Sabiha Khudur Talib is one of the most serious charges to be made against Britain during its six-year occupation of southern Iraq.
An investigation led by Lieutenant Haidar Yashaa Salman from Al-Qibla police station of the Al-Hussein Police Directorate found: "At 11 o'clock, we were informed by the police operation room of the finding of a dumped body, so went to the site and found out that the body belonged to the victim Sabiha Khudur Talib, who was arrested by the British forces on 14-15 November 2006 ... I saw the body in a brown dish- dash [one-piece tunic], bare feet and hands with marks of handcuffs. I saw traces of torture on the body of the victim. I saw a non-penetrated bullet entry in the abdomen."

Allegations that a 62-year-old Iraqi grandmother was tortured and executed by British soldiers after her family home was raided three years ago are being investigated by the Royal Military Police.

The Army's involvement in the death and abuse of Sabiha Khudur Talib is one of the most serious charges to be made against Britain during its six-year occupation of southern Iraq.

UK government ministers are to be given previously unseen police reports from a Basra crime unit which conclude that Mrs Talib's body was dumped on a roadside in a British body bag in November 2006. There was a bullet hole in her abdomen and her face had injuries consistent with torture, police reported.

An investigation led by Lieutenant Haidar Yashaa Salman from Al-Qibla police station of the Al-Hussein Police Directorate found: "At 11 o'clock, we were informed by the police operation room of the finding of a dumped body, so went to the site and found out that the body belonged to the victim Sabiha Khudur Talib, who was arrested by the British forces on 14-15 November 2006 ... I saw the body in a brown dish- dash [one-piece tunic], bare feet and hands with marks of handcuffs. I saw traces of torture on the body of the victim. I saw a non-penetrated bullet entry in the abdomen."

The Ministry of Defence confirmed that Sabiha Khudur Talib was shot by British soldiers from the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment in 2006 but deny that she was murdered or tortured. The case is now being investigated by the Royal Military Police (RMP).

An MoD spokesman said that she had been caught in crossfire during the raid and died later in a military hospital.

But statements from her family, who were at home during the raid, claim that after the shooting they saw Mrs Talib being led away alive by British soldiers.

The MoD was unable to say yesterday which hospital she was treated at or to whom her body was handed.

The results of the Iraqi police investigation, seen by The Independent, were sent to Ghazi Dawoud Salman, an Iraqi judge, and to the Basra prosecution office.

Lawyers for Mrs Talib's family are preparing a legal action in the High Court in London against the MoD. They say the house was raided in the early hours of 15 November 2006, and that the family thought their home was being attacked by criminals. Mrs Talib's son, Karim Gatii Karim Al-Maliki, fired a Kalashnikov rifle into a ceiling to ward off intruders. But the family claim that the soldiers began firing into the house for 20 minutes, killing Mr Al-Maliki.

According to the eyewitness accounts, Mr Al-Maliki's brother and mother were arrested by the soldiers.

In his witness statement, Mr Al-Maliki's brother, Raad Gatii Karim Al-Maliki, 26, gives his account of the shooting: "My mother grabbed hold of me and pulled me into a corner where she cuddled me close. As the shots seemed to come from all angles into the room and we were both very exposed it was a miracle we were not shot. I did not dare move and recall that my mother began to pray."

He adds: "After what seemed like 20 minutes the firing stopped and British soldiers entered the house. One soldier pointed a laser beam at me and I immediately threw up my hands so he did not shoot me. A soldier grabbed me by my collar, lifted me up and threw me face down on to the floor. The soldiers had flashlights with them and at this point I saw my brother Karim sitting against the wall. He was still and I saw his blood all around. It was obvious he was dead."

Says Mr Al-Maliki: "My mother began shouting and pleading with the soldiers and she was calling out mine and Karim's names. Although the calls pained me at least I knew that she was alive."

Later he describes the soldiers leading his mother out of the house: "As I was kneeling on the ground I heard my mother shouting for me and Karim. I looked up and saw my mother being led roughly a couple of metres in front of me by four or five soldiers. I shouted to her. I could see my mother was trying to hold a blanket around her legs. I could see her body and I could see no signs of injury. I could not believe they were treating my old mother in this way."

Mr Al-Maliki says the soldiers led his mother to a military vehicle: "I was very worried about her, but could see she was at least uninjured. I then saw a soldier hit her on her back with a rifle butt. The soldiers pulled the blanket off her legs, wrapped this around her and shoved her into the vehicle. I had a clear view of this from where I was kneeling."

The next time the family saw Mrs Talib was when the police told them they had found a body on the Al-Zubayr highway.

Lawyers for the family last night demanded a full inquiry into what happened to Mrs Talib. Phil Shiner, of Public Interest Lawyers, told The Independent: "The possibility that British forces in 2006 could have tortured and executed an innocent elderly woman should shock the nation. Such an allegation must be immediately independently investigated as a possible murder.

"How she came to be dumped in a British body bag by the side of a road having allegedly been abducted by British soldiers requires the most anxious scrutiny. No stone should be left unturned by the Government in an effort to establish the evidence in this case."

The Ministry of Defence said the allegations would be investigated. "A post-incident report from 1st Battalion the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment describes an incident on 15 November 2006. Soldiers from the unit were conducting an arrest operation when an Iraqi national, Karim Gatii Karim, opened fire on them," said a spokesman. "One British soldier was wounded and Karim Gatii Karim was shot dead.

"Mr Karim's mother, Sabiha Khudur Talib, was regrettably wounded in the crossfire and, despite attempts to save her, she sadly died of her wounds. She was not tortured by British forces and her body was not dumped by the roadside, it was returned to Iraqi authorities. The Royal Military Police will be investigating allegations made by Mr Karim's brother and attempting to ascertain where Sabiha Khudur Talib was treated and by whom she was pronounced dead."

The case is one of 47 fresh claims of abuse and torture being investigated by the MoD.